Build your own
Talent Marketplace!

Lightsapp is a white label recruitment platform that enables organsiations to create their own marketplaces where they can attract specialist talent needed for their industries. This approach is more effective than advertising on job boards alone or using generalised online recruitment platforms that don't have the breadth and depth of skills or jobs.

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more Freelancers


of the Australian workforce are flexible workers
Source - Australia’s gender equality scorecard Key findings from the WGEA’s 2016-17 reporting data November 2017


Attract the right talent when you need them!

Whether you want to attract talent that are either studying, are return to work carers, or are seasoned professionals. Organisations can quickly set up their own branded and integrated talent platform leaving it up to Lightsapp to actively curate the top candidates and to manage them.

Lightsapp is

Specialised Job Seekers

Improves their chances for finding the right job, in the right industry by registering with organisations that specialise in jobs they want!


Saves time by curating only candidates with the right skills and experience who are actively looking, are available and meet their criteria. This approach improves the success rate of finding the right person.


Lightsapp has partners with specialist organisations whose sole focus is attracting and recruiting graduates which means they are not competing for work with experienced people.

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Our strategic


Lightsapp enables employers to intelligently connect with active talent & for contractors to seek opportunities designed for them

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